1. Safe and sustainable fish shoppingGlobal fish stocks are rapidly depleting due to demand, loss of habitat and unsustainable fishing practices. When shopping or dining out, help reduce the demand for these
overexploited species by choosing healthy and sustainable products.
2. Use less plastic productsPlastics that end up as trash in the sea contribute to the destruction of habitats. To limit its impact, we can reuse water bottles, store food in non-disposable containers, use cloth bags to carry our purchases. The bottom line is to recycle as much as possible.
3. Do not buy products that take advantage of Marine LifeSome products contribute to the damage of fragile coral reefs and marine populations. Avoid buying items such as coral jewelry, accessories made from shells and shark products.
4. Support organizations working to protect the SeaMany institutes and organizations are struggling to protect marine habitats and marine life. Find a national organization and consider the possibility of financial or volunteer support for practical or promotional work.
5. Traveling in the sea responsiblyIf you practice sports such as kayaking or other activities that take place in the water, do not throw anything overboard and be aware of the marine life that lives in the waters that surround you.6. Help take care of the beachesIf we go to the beach we collect the trash we generate and the one we find. Do not throw cigarette butts in the sand, since a single one contaminates 10 liters of water besides killing species that eat them by mistake.
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